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Spice Dawn

Superstar Consultant


My Story

I founded a successful Spicy home party business in 1994 and still love running my company. As satisfying as my own business's not for everyone. Friends, customers and neighbors have always ask me to research home party companies that better suited THEIR personalities. I discovered Scentsy through a friend who was a consultant and we decided I should join so I could help my friends make their homes smell as nice as mine does! I honeslty just LOVE Scentsy Family product lines and know they appeal to a larger range of people. Something for everyone!  I feel 100% comfortable in training a team for this company! Whether you are an occasional buyer, a hostess who does parties to earn HER goodies for FREE, or someone who may be interested in joining my team, I would be happy to help you! I'll bet we will also have some fun along the way! Spice Dawn

What's warming in my home